Thursday 30 August 2012

Taliban denies beheadings in Helmand

So what is the truth behind the alleged beheading of 17 people, including two women, in the Shah Kariz region, Kajaki District, which is in a part of Helmand province controlled by the Taliban? President Karzai has condemned the killings, calling them 'unforgiveable' and in defiance of Islamic teaching. US officials also condemned the beheadings, with the US Embassy in Kabul calling them a "shameful act." Major General John R Allen, the commander of international forces in Afghanistan, described the killers as "cowards." 
Various explanations for the massacre have been put forward, including that the victims were planning to make contact with Coalition troops, or that they were engaged in a mixed wedding celebration.
The Taliban has put forward a different explanation on its website. Spokesman Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi writes:
"A secret music party was organised inside a remote house close to the wells in the desert between Roshanabad and Shah Karez areas of Musa Kala district, Helmand province because no-one can dare to do such a vile thing openly. Around 20 corrupt individuals participated in this event and boys dressed in women clothing were forced to dance. According to information gathered, the said group turned their guns on each other and killed each other around midnight after getting heavily drunk, becoming both the killers and the killed. The government spokesman of Helmand Province promptly and brazenly blamed Mujahideen for this infamous incident which Karzai and others blindly accepted. We once again call on all media outlets to refrain from attributing such reports to the Mujahideen."
Afghan boys being dressed up as girls to dance in front of drunken, gun-toting tribesmen? Makes perfect sense to me. File this one under black propaganda ops.


Ned Hamson said...

Pray for those killed and forget trying to figure out who did it - since both are heavy into "spinning" the truth. But Taliban story is more than a bit unbelievable!

davidbfpo said...

Another has referred me to Mullah Omar's recent guidance, which includes passages (25 & 26) on dealings with civilians: