Tuesday, 2 June 2009

US Army tweets in Afghanistan

The US Army has decided to start using new media to keep the public informed of its activities in Afghanistan. As of this morning, you can now follow the latest developments on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Not sure what the policy is on Twitter. Former commander of US forces in Afghanistan, General McKiernan's farewell speech in Kabul today gets four tweets, but no mention so far of the four US soldiers reported killed by IEDs in Wardak yesterday.

1 comment:

Ned Hamson said...

It's truly a strange world - a bit like being a Stranger in a Strange Land. Army is twittering is view of the Afghan war and the President, Vice President, two comics and one right wing diva/jefe themselves follow via their twitter sites.

Maybe it will all end up like the old Star Trek series about the virtual war and victims who then had to had to really die because the computer chose them to be a victim.